Kerplunk Features, Pricing, Alternatives (September 2024)


Are you tired of spending weeks sifting through resumes and conducting endless interviews, only to miss out on top talent? Kerplunk has the solution you've been waiting for. Kerplunk is changing how companies hire new employees. It uses smart computer technology to make hiring faster, cheaper, and better. In today's fast-moving business world, finding the right people to work for you is really important. Kerplunk helps solve this problem with its video interview system. The best thing about Kerplunk is how much time it saves. Usually, hiring takes a long time. You have to read lots of resumes, make phone calls, and meet people in person. Kerplunk's smart system can look at thousands of job applicants in just 3 minutes each. This means companies can hire people much faster. They won't lose good workers to other companies because the hiring process takes too long. Kerplunk can work in over 95 languages. This is great for companies that want to hire people from all over the world. It doesn't matter where someone lives or what language they speak. Kerplunk can help companies find the best people, no matter where they are. The system doesn't just look at what skills people have. It also checks how well they can do the job. Kerplunk's smart technology looks at how people talk, move, and answer questions. This helps companies choose the best people for the job. Kerplunk also helps make hiring fair. Sometimes, people might choose who to hire based on things that don't matter, like how someone looks. Kerplunk focuses on what's important: can the person do the job well? This means everyone has a fair chance to get hired. The system also gives companies useful information about their hiring process. It shows them what's working well and what they could do better. This helps companies keep getting better at finding good workers.


video vetting, interviews, ai powered, customizable dashboard, automated hiring, detailed candidate repoting


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